ALREADY_INSTALLED=Setup has detected a previous installation of Norton CrashGuard. Any new program files will be copied to the previously selected location displayed below. To begin copying files, select Next. To change your user information, select Back.
STR_ADMIN_RIGHTS=Administrator rights are required to install Norton CrashGuard on Windows NT.
ITEM_DEMO=Norton CrashGuard Demo
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE=There is not enough space available to install\nNorton CrashGuard on drive %s. Please free up some\nspace or change the target location to a different drive.
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE2=There is not enough space available to install\nNorton CrashGuard support files on drive %s.\nPlease free up some space and reinstall.
SERVICE_PACK=Service Pack 3
WARNING_SERVICE_PACK=Warning: Norton CrashGuard has detected that you do not currently have Windows NT Service Pack 3 or later installed. Some features of Norton CrashGuard might not work correctly without this service pack installed.
NEWER_VERSION_INSTALLED=Warning: You are attempting to install an older version of Norton CrashGuard over an existing version. It is recommended that you uninstall Norton CrashGuard first by clicking Cancel on the next screen, then using Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
ITEM_CG_URL=Norton CrashGuard Product Information
PATH_TOO_LONG=The path you are installing to is too long.\nPlease install to a different path.